Friday, February 22, 2008

Can Diabetes Be Cured

Can Diabetes Be Cured by Ade Bandele

There are many different scams online and off that promise to cure diabetes. These are cruel because, as of now, diabetes cannot be cured. It can, however, be treated and a person who is suffering from this disease can lead a long, full life.

Diabetes involves the lack of sufficient insulin that is needed to break down foods in the digestive system. As the foods cannot be broken down properly, the glucose remains in the blood and cannot pass through the system properly. This causes an elevation in blood glucose levels. The elevation in blood glucose, or blood sugars, causes the kidneys to work overtime in order to dispose of waste.

Symptoms of elevated blood sugars include excessive thirst and frequent urination. Anyone who is experiencing these symptoms should have themselves checked out for diabetes. Diabetes can only be diagnosed by a physician. A doctor will take blood tests in order to make a diagnosis.
Pre diabetes is a condition that occurs before diabetes. This is when the blood sugars are elevated but before the condition is full blown diabetes. A doctor can diagnose pre-diabetes. This can be reversed with a proper diet and medication. Full blown diabetes type II, however, cannot be cured.

Treatment for diabetes includes oral medications and insulin. The type of treatment that you need will be determined by the doctor and will depend on your condition. Insulin can be used with a syringe or with the use of an insulin pump. More people who use insulin are opting for the insulin pump that automatically controls the amount of insulin that goes into your blood.
There are several different oral medications used to treat diabetes. In most cases, a physician will prescribe a couple of different medications that can work in conjunction with one another to keep blood sugars at a moderate level.

In addition to taking insulin or medication, a diabetic must also monitor his or her blood sugar on a daily basis. This is usually recommended after meals. A record of the blood sugar levels must be kept so that the doctor knows if the treatment he or she is prescribing is working. It may be necessary to adjust oral medication or insulin levels.

Treating diabetes is not difficult. It is more of an inconvenience than anything else. However, taking medication and monitoring your blood sugar only takes minutes a day and is well worth the effort. In addition to watching your blood sugars and taking medication, you can also watch your diet.

Eliminating sweets from your diet and simple carbohydrates can help you maintain healthy blood sugar levels. When you combine a healthy lifestyle with medication or insulin, you can lead a full and productive life with diabetes.

Do not fall for any false promises when it comes to curing diabetes. Follow the orders of your doctor and treat this disease in a medical manner as it can be a matter of life or death. While diabetes cannot be cured, it can be treated and anyone with the disease can lead a long life.

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